Are you interested in working to make our campus operations, infrastructure, and physical environment more sustainable? The Provost's Sustainability Internship (PSI) program is a great way to get involved! We pair students with staff mentors to plan and implement a year-long campus sustainability project. Students receive internship credit for the fall, winter, and spring quarters and a $1500 scholarship upon completion of the program in spring quarter. Student applications are due by 5pm on April 25th.
Generation Waking Up
If you are creative, motivated, and inspired to make a difference in the world, please consider joining the GenUp team! There are numerous internship opportunities and summer fellowships programs offered. If interested, apply here and send your resume to following email address: apply [at] generationwakingup [dot ]org. If you have any questions, or would like more information about Generation Waking Up check out their website.
Become a Student Sustainability Advisor
Do you plan to live in University housing next year and want to become a leader in your community? Apply to become a Student Sustainability Adviser (SSA) by March 21 (applications accepted until position filled). The SSA’s primary role is to raise awareness and offer educational opportunities within their communities about the many ways campus residents can positively affect and contribute to UCSC’s sustainability goals. The position requires 15 hours per week and receives a quarterly stipend of $1,500. You will be required to move in early for training and assist with move out waste diversion at the end of Finals in June. Apply on the Employee Request system with the position # 7056.
IDEASS Program Accepting Applications
Impact Designs: Engineering and Sustainability through Student Service (IDEASS) is now accepting early bird applications for next year! If you have an idea for a green-tech project or want to get involved, please fill out the application here and submit your idea. IDEASS can fulfill senior exit credit for some majors--including ENVS--and many alumni have been offered jobs related to their projects when they graduate. Students that apply earlier have the opportunity to be a part of the planning process for projects next year. For more info, see this link.
Stevenson Garden Accepting Applications for Spring
Stevenson Garden is accepting applications for prospective interns for next quarter. To find out more and apply, email Blake at bredding [at] ucsc [dot] edu.
Real Food for CSU's Campaign: Sign the petition in California solidarity!
The CSU system's (largest state school system in the world) sustainability policy is being updated, but the current draft does not have any mention of sustainable food practices. We are asking the board of trustees to get real by purchasing food that is ecologically sound, fair trade, humane, and local through this petition, and as the CSUs joined the UC system during their own real food campaign in 2009, we need to do the same to create a just and sustainable food system! The Board of Trustees meeting will be on March 26 in Long Beach, CA. Email nattran [at] ucsc [dot] edu for more information.
Arboretum Volunteer Gardening Opportunities
Have an interest in gardening? The Arboretum has volunteer gardening hours throughout the week! Visit their website for details.
Are you interested in water justice? Do you appreciate every drop that flows out of your tap? Then you might be interested in joining the Take Back the Tap team, a social and environmental justice campaign aimed to end the sale of single use plastic water bottles on our campus. They meet every Thursday evening, 6:15 to 7:15pm at the Common Ground Center, Kresge 166. Email takebackthetapucsc [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.
The Student Environmental Center is excited to announce the 13th Annual Earth Summit on March 6th, 2014!! The Earth Summit is a space for students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members to come together and celebrate the history and current actions in campus sustainability, plan for future projects, and strengthen student involvement. There will be empowering speakers, exciting workshops, and delicious local food! If your organization would like to table, contact the Volunteer/Tabling Coordinators Lucia Calderon at lecalder [at] ucsc [dot] edu and Cheslea Pack at cpack [at] ucsc [dot] edu for more information. All tables will be educational and opportunity-based. And, if you would like to help setting up the day of and cleaning up that evening, email Lily Urmann, the Earth Summit and Blueprint Coordinator, at lurmann [at] ucsc [dot] edu. All volunteers are welcome!
ZipCar Paid Internship
ZipCar is offering a paid internship to students at UCSC. Some responsibilities will include: communicating and working with campus-wide contacts to grow awareness on campus, location management, vehicle auditing, and writing and executing a marketing plan. To apply, and for more information check out their website for more information.
Volunteers Needed for Waste Assessment in April
The Zero Waste Team,Grounds Services, and Physical Plant are conducting a campus-wide waste assessment of the contents of our campus's waste stream in mid-to-late April. They need your help! Volunteers would essentially be helping with"dumpster diving," sorting through and weighing campus dumpster trash into different categories, as well as helping to conduct visual estimates of our waste composition. There will be an informational meeting and training session closer to the time of the assessment. This is an opportunity for community service and to learn about the waste streams on our campus and the campus-wide efforts in moving towards sustainability. Please contact Chris Kane at chkane [at] ucsc [dot] edu if you have any questions or would like to sign up!
Apply to Volunteer with Sprout Up
Sprout Up is a non-profit program that looks for undergraduate volunteers to help bring lessons of environmental science and sustainability to local elementary school classrooms. They are college student founded and operated non-profit that is always seeking new instructors. For more information about potential volunteering opportunities check out their website.
Internships with WaterLab Research Facility
The WaterLab Research Facility studies wastewater recycling and how to use recycled water to conserve unused water reserves. Though still in progress of becoming a full-fledged research facility, internship opportunities exist and will be expanding as the facility grows. UCSC students can learn more about WaterLab and internships by contacting Eli Weintraub at etweintr [at] ucsc [dot] edu and via the Center for Integrated Water Research website.
Santa Cruz State Parks - hiring now $11.52/hr!
Santa Cruz State Parks is hiring seasonal interpreters. Applications are due very soon with interviews on March 3 and 4. There are several positions available at the following locations: Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Butano State Park, New Brighton State Beach and Sunset and Manresa State Beaches. To apply, send your resume and completed standard state application to: Elizabeth Hammack/Linda Hitchcock, Santa Cruz District State Parks 303 Big Trees Park Rd. Felton, CA 95018. For more information, call 831-335-6391 and check out this job description.
Find or Upload Projects to Sustainability Project Clearinghouse
Interested in getting involved in a campus sustainability project, but don't know how? Are you looking for partners for your current project? Have you completed a project that you would like others to learn from? Visit the Sustainability Project Clearinghouse, a centralized database of UCSC sustainability projects, today! You can view published projects or upload your own projects and ideas. For training on how to upload a project, please contact Shauna Casey at scasey [at] ucsc [dot] edu.
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There are projects in sustainability topics like Energy, Transportation, Water, Waste, Social Justice, and so much more!
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