The Common Ground Center is currently seeking 2- and 5-unit interns for winter quarter! They are seeking students with skills and/or interest in videography, social media, newsletter and press release writing, and event planning and hosting support. If you are interested in getting involved with the Center in any of these or in other ways, please email them at commonground [at] ucsc [dot] edu. The Center also has a number of courses that provide internship opportunities as part of the class (read more about classes here).
The Student Environmental Center's Transportation Campaign is seeking a coordinator and 2- or 5- unit interns for winter and spring quarters. The Campaign promotes sustainable transportation at UCSC, including walking, biking, busing, etc. They collaborate with the Bike Library to rent bikes to students each quarter, manage the "Rock the Bike" bike generators, and the possibility of future projects is as expansive as your imagination can explore! For more information, please contact Melissa Ott at mott [at] ucsc [dot] edu or visit the website.

Do you have a passion for gardening and farming? Are you looking for a hands-on rewarding internship? Stevenson Garden is accepting applications for prospective interns for next quarter. For details about the internships offered, please email bredding [at] ucsc [dot] edu.
Arboretum Volunteer Gardening Opportunities
Have an interest in gardening, but don't have time for a gardening internship? The Arboretum has volunteer gardening hours throughout the week. Visit their website for details.
Green Labs Certification Program Seeks New Labs
In the coming weeks, the Green Labs program is outreaching to laboratories on campus that may be interested in becoming a certified Green Lab. The Green Labs committee is asking any representatives from labs that would like to learn more about the certification process to contact them at greenlabs [at] ucsc [dot] edu. The certification process has become more efficient and is a highly rewarding undertaking for laboratories interested in being recognized for their commitment to sustainability. Learn more about the program here.
Environmental Studies Internship Office
Internships are a great way to dip your toes in the water of a field that interests you. Apply beginning winter quarter for internships with the Environmental Studies Internships Office. Email the office at ckrohn [at] ucsc [dot] edu to find an internship that's right for you! Any majors are welcome to get an Environmental Studies Internship. They placed students in more than 400 internships this past year, so there is probably one waiting for you!
Implement Student-Led Sustainable Projects with IDEASS
Do you want professional experience or an opportunity to fulfill senior exit credit through an innovative sustainable design project? Impact Designs: Engineering and Sustainability through Student Service (IDEASS) is looking for a few more passionate and hardworking student leaders to join project teams that are already working to implement projects related to waste reduction, water systems, renewable energy, life cycle analysis, urban planning and more! Winter admissions to IDEASS requires a winter - spring (2 quarter) commitment. Students can expect to work in interdisciplinary teams with a professional mentor. For more information, or to apply email ideass [at] ucsc [dot] edu and check out the IDEASS website.
Recycling Specialist Position in Livermore, CA
The City of Livermore, California, is seeking a full-time Recycling Specialist who can assist in the development, monitoring, and implementation of the City’s recycling and waste diversion program; research, gather, and interpret data; conduct program outreach; perform inter-disciplinary policy related research; prepare written and verbal reports; represent the City to citizens’ advisory committees or governmental agencies; and more! Learn more and apply online here.
Gaia Environmental Magazine Looking for Interns and Volunteers
Interested in putting together UCSC's environmentally focused magazine next year? The UCSC Environmental Media Project (EMP) offers many quarterly internship and volunteer opportunities. Volunteers help with fundraising, outreach, and the creation of Gaia magazine. Interns take on positions like photographer, editor, and graphic designer for 2 units. For more information about applying, email the team at environmentalmediaproject [at] gmail [dot] com and check out their Facebook page and website.
Volunteer with Take Back the Tap
Water is the life-source and scarcity is our reality. Take Back the Tap (TBtT) is an educational campaign with the goal of removing all single use plastic water bottles from UCSC as a way to combat the commodification of water! Like their Facebook page and learn how you can get involved by emailing takebackthetapucsc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Bike Smart! Youth Bicycle Safety Program Volunteering Opportunity
Bike Smart! encourages youth to bicycle for fun, transportation and health through hands-on bicycle education at local schools. Bike Smart’s bicycle skills "rodeos" (obstacle courses) inspire and empower kids to hop on a bike and leave mom and dad's car at home. Youth of all ages learn essential bicycling knowledge and skills, such as helmet fit, traffic laws, being visible and riding predictably. If you're interested in volunteering with this program for the quarter, please contact Elise at eehrheart [at] ecoact [dot] org.
Apply to Volunteer with Sprout Up

Internships with WaterLab Research Facility
The WaterLab Research Facility studies wastewater recycling and how to use recycled water to conserve unused water reserves. Though still in progress of becoming a full-fledged research facility, internship opportunities exist and will be expanding as the facility grows. UCSC students can learn more about WaterLab and internships by contacting Eli Weintraub at etweintr [at] ucsc [dot] edu and via the Center for Integrated Water Research website.
Participate in a Field Study with California State University Monterey Bay Wildlands Program
The Wildlands Studies Program offers a series of environmental and cultural ecology field studies this winter/spring. You can choose among six wildlife, wildland and cultural ecology field studies searching for solutions to environmental and cultural challenges. Each program grants 12 upper division transferable units credit. Field studies take place in wildland locations throughout Hawaii, Peru, Thailand, Chile, New Zealand and Costa Rica. All of their programs are described at their website, or their catalog can be sent in the mail. If you have questions about any of their programs, please feel free to email them at wildlands [at] wildlandsstudies [dot] com.
Interested in getting involved in a campus sustainability project, but don't know how? Are you looking for partners for your current project? Have you completed a project that you would like others to learn from? Visit the Sustainability Project Clearinghouse, a centralized database of UCSC sustainability projects, today! You can view published projects or upload your own projects and ideas. For training on how to upload a project, please contact Shauna Casey at scasey [at] ucsc [dot] edu.
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