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Monday, October 22, 2012

November 2012: Classes, Training, & Community

ESLP Seeking Facilitators 

Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) is looking for facilitators interested in developing a class focused on environmental sustainability, social justice, and project-based education. Previous classes have included topics such as permaculture, green building, environmental art, aquaponics, waste prevention, and many more. All majors welcome. To get involved, send them an email.

Join the Kresge Natural Foods Co-op
The Kresge Community Natural Foods Co-op is a non-profit student-run food store located on the south side of Kresge College. It has been a Kresge College tradition for over twenty years, supporting small farmers, the UCSC Farm Project, and the Kresge Organic Garden. While anyone can buy food at the Food Co-op, members receive a discount. The Co-op operates as a collective and a variety of membership options are available. Special pricing is available on bulk orders. Come in for groceries, lunch, snacks, hot coffee, tea, or just to spend time with your friends.

To contact the Food Co-op, call 426-1506, or attend the bi-weekly meetings every other Sunday at 11 am in the Student Lounge. (Hours: Weekdays 9 AM - 6 PM)

Drop Your Own Drip (DYOD) has found a new home!
The 2012 Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) 5-unit class project has been adopted by the Student Environmental Center (SEC). That means that there are exciting new ways to earn credit through the the ENVS department and be involved with facilitating the annual campus-wide water-use competition. Interested? Check us DYOD out online here and find out how you can get involved by emailing the new Organizer, Sarah Angulo.

Heard about other sustainability related classes, trainings, or community opportunities around Santa Cruz or the campus? Post in the comments!

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