Application deadline 5pm: Monday, December 17, 2012.
The Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (District) is seeking applications for
science and technology projects that advance the understanding of relevant Air Quality and
Climate Change issues. The District is soliciting projects from high school (9-12th grades) and
college undergraduate students. While each project must be created and completed by students,
every project must have an involved academic advisor. The academic advisor Will be responsible
for project oversight, including technical and grant management. This grant opportunity is ideal
for science clubs, science classes, student groups, and individual students. Grants may be funded
up to the following amounts:
Grades 9-12 $1,500.00
Undergraduate $5,000.00
To apply for funding each applicant must complete:
- An on-line application form
- Develop and submit a project abstract based on one ofthe Díst1'ict’s proj ect topics (listed in Attachment A)
- A detailed project work plan and itemized budget
- Grant amount requested
- Identify project deadlines
Project funds must be spent by May 10, 2013 for high school proiects. For undergraduate student
projects, funds must be spent by the end of the semester/quarter or on a date agreed upon by the
We invite students and teachers in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties to apply for
grants that use creativity and imagination, to help the District improve air quality and build a
better future With informed and motivated young people.
Applications may be found on our website.