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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

October 2013: Innovative Approaches to Sustainability

Here are a few selections of the innovative approaches to sustainability taking place on other college campuses. Each of these examples was chosen because they represent ideas that UCSC could potentially implement in some form, or in some cases, already has begun to. If you see something here that you want to make a reality at UCSC, check out the Project Clearinghouse website and contact the Sustainability Office and we will help you direct your ideas toward fruition!

University of Virginia Develops New Model to Measure Nitrogen Footprint
Working with students from multiple disciplines, a professor of environmental sciences recently released the results of a university nitrogen footprint analysis. Predominantly coming from energy use and food production, nitrogen can contribute to smog, acidifying water and weakening the ozone layer. It's not just about carbon dioxide emissions!

University of Buffalo Offers New 'Sustainability Academy' for Students
In its inaugural year, students in this residential learning community participate in community projects and
behind-the-scenes campus operational activities, as well as collaborating with environmental organizations.

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