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Friday, April 5, 2019

April 2019: Green Tips

Cool Campus Challenge Actions
The UC-wide Cool Campus Challenge runs from April 1 to April 26. Make sure to register at to start competing! Here are 10 easy actions you can take:

1. Reduce your computer power usage. Computer equipment can take up to 10 percent of office energy usage. Make that your computer has its energy saving features activated:

2. Dress for the weather. Wearing layers allows you to rely on fashion, rather than fossil fuels, to regulate your body temperature. Make each layer a fashion statement! Be an example for others by showing your friends how you layer up.

3. Turn off your overhead light. Open your shades and blinds every day to maximize natural light in your home and workspace. Rather than using an overhead light, try a task light — with an LED bulb for an extra energy-saving boost. Good lighting is important for healthy eyes, but workplace lighting can be overkill. Natural light is best for you and the planet.

4. Sort your waste properly. Recycling and composting properly helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to production and decomposition. Waste requirements vary by location, so make sure to check what your campus, workplace and municipal waste disposal accepts.

5. Use a power strip. Vampire power, phantom loads or ghost loads — whatever you want to call it, your electronic devices are quietly sucking your power. Plug your electronics into an easily accessible power strip. Turn it off when those items aren't being used.

6. Take the stairs. Walking up or down the stairs instead of taking an elevator is typically faster and saves energy. If you are able, why not take the stairs next time you leave the building? A bonus: Physical activity lowers stress.

7. Close the doors and windows. If you're using a heater or AC, close the doors and windows. This will speed the warming or cooling process, while reducing energy waste.

8. Turn off your monitor when you’re away. Set your computer monitor to turn off automatically when you're away for more than 10 minutes, or shut it off manually when you're done or taking a break.

9. Learn how to report water waste and leaks. Every drop counts. Help save water by reporting leaky faucets, sprinklers, toilets and other water waste. If you live on campus, report leaks to

10. Go meatless for a day. According to, if the entire U.S. did not eat meat or cheese for just one day a week, it would be the equivalent of not driving 91 billion miles — or taking 7.6 million cars off the road! Also consider choosing local and organic foods to further reduce your environmental impact.

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