1. Start a garden or get involved in one
Spring is the perfect time to start a garden. Start planting tomatoes, zucchinis and strawberries and enjoy the fruits of your labor all summer! If you don't have access to a plot to grow a personal garden there are plenty of places to get involved in gardening on campus. Check out the Chadwick Garden, the Kresge Garden, the College Eight Garden, and more!
2. Thrift your new Spring wardrobe
When the sun starts shining a little brighter and the need for cozy sweaters and sweats becomes less and less we all start digging through our closets to find something more appropriate for the warmer weather. What we find leaves us unsatisfied. "How on Earth did I fit into this dress last year", "How did anyone let me out of the house wearing this bro tank?" When you start asking yourself these types of questions don't head down to Forever 21 or Urban Outfitters. Definitely don't start ordering online (all that packaging is so wasteful!). But hit up one of the local thrift stores. Crossroads, the Salvation Army, and Goodwill are all easily accessible in Downtown Santa Cruz.
3. Take advantage of the weather
Gorgeous Spring weather means there are no longer excuses for driving or busing around campus. Pull out your bike, dust it off, ride it on into the bike co-op on campus, catch your breath and realize the lack of exercise you got this winter, get a tune up, and ride that baby to all your classes! If biking isn't an option for you, hop on your own two feet and enjoy the fresh air and the redwoods on your way to class.
4. Spring Cleaning
By the time Spring comes around all the junk can really pile up around your dorm or house. Now is the perfect time to reorganize and get clean. Make sure you recycle everything you can. Any papers you don't need from last quarter or the pile of red bull cans in the corner that are STILL sitting there from finals can all be put in recycling. Before you get rid of anything check and make sure one of your hall mates or housemates can't use it. One person's trash could be someone else's treasure!
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